Friday, May 13, 2005

Put Your Multi-lingual Talent To Work

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GDI Announces Plans to Launch Web Sites in International Languages in 2005!

GDI has recognized that it is time to become a truly global business opportunity. The .ws web site is already available everywhere, but it is now being translated into to the top languages used on the Internet. Look at the table below and you'll see that GDI has only scratched the surface of reaching everyone on the planet.

In fact, the English language only makes up about 1/6 of the world's population, but most of the world's web pages are in English. Here's another interesting fact. There are nearly 400 MILLION Spanish speaking people in the world, and 14.6 percent of them are Internet users (and that percentage is growing quickly), but only about 3 percent of the world's web pages are in Spanish.

In addition to the German and French speaking Internet community, that's a market of approximately 150 MILLION people (and more coming online every day) - with almost no competition in the network marketing industry. These Internet users are much more open-minded to opportunities presented to them in their native language.

Are you able to envision the massive opportunity available, once plans are completed and carried out? In some of the countries GDI will have access to, members will be able to reach people through the major media, at just a fraction of what it would cost here in the U.S. to place a similar ad, and with a lot fewer competing ads.

GDI will be translating their web site into NINE different languages as soon as possible.

The Top Ten Languages on the Web (Number of Users of the Internet by

Internet Users by Language
Language as % of Total Internet Users
World Population Estimate for Language

English - 32.8%
291,821,168 people

Chinese - 12.8%
113,414,713 people

Japanese - 7.6%
67,677,947 people

Spanish - 6.4%
56,844,480 people

German - 6.1%
54,244,805 people

French - 4.2%
37,502,485 people

Korean - 3.6%
31,600,000 people

Italian - 3.2%
28,610,000 people

Portuguese - 2.4%
21,691,837 people

Dutch - 1.6%
14,655,328 people

Total of 3,800,307,391 people - 80.8 % of the world's Internet users

Rest of the Languages:
2,611,759,794 people, 19.2 % of the world


6,412,067,185 Internet users

(*) NOTES:
(1) Internet Top Ten Languages Usage Stats were updated on March 24, 2005.
(2) Average Penetration is the ratio between the sum of Internet users speaking a language and the total population estimate that speaks that referred language.
(3) The most recent Internet usage information comes from data published by Nielsen//NetRatings, International Telecommunications Union, and other reliable sources.
(4) The population information is from
(5) For definitions and navigation help, see the Site Surfing Guide.
(6) Stats may be cited, giving the source and establishing an active link back to ©Copyright 2005, Miniwatts International, Ltd. All rights reserved.

If you are multi-lingual, GDI would like your help! (and you'll get something great in return)

GDI has over 200 countries represented by the current affiliate base, and is quite sure that all of the languages planned for translating are known by at least some of the affiliates.

GDI is enlisting the help of the affiliates to get the translations done into these languages. If an affiliate speaks one of the languages listed below, GDI would like them to consider helping translate portions of the web site. Of course, those that translate will get something in return.

After the translation is complete, GDI will be pouring a lot of money into advertising in other languages, both on the Internet and in print. Affiliates that assist in the translation of web sites into their native language will receive this benefit:

The majority of GDI’s advertising in that language will be directed towards that affiliate’s GDI organization!
(some requirements apply, such as helping track the results of the advertising)

To take part in this, you must be:

1. A GDI Affiliate
2. A fluent and native speaker of one of the languages listed below, AND -
3. Be fluent in English

This will take time and effort on your part to complete, and it will be an ongoing job. Details of the agreement may be discussed, but GDI needs a resume from any affiliates chosen to interview further for the position.

The first languages to be translated:

· Spanish
· German
· French

GDI hopes to have these languages in place within a few months, and then Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch will follow shortly thereafter.

While getting web sites converted into these languages, GDI will be hiring bilingual customer service reps who will act as ambassadors to the new languages. However, the majority of the translation task will belong to the selected affiliate(s); therefore a certain number of hours per day will need to be committed to help GDI get your language launched.

Are you up for the challenge? Will you reap the benefits of GDI’s new International advertising?

To take advantage of this unique opportunity:

1. Become an affiliate - go here

2. Contact GDI at:

3. Let them know you’re interested -

If you are multi-lingual and you want to use that talent to improve your financial future -

Join GDI -

You’ll be ready to benefit TREMENDOUSLY from this new venture!

Good Luck!

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Thursday, May 12, 2005

How to Build a Huge Opt-In List as an Affiliate…

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by Anik Singal

Copyright 2005 Kurma Group

One of the biggest mistakes I see affiliates making everyday is that their building a short-term business where they just make a small sale – one sale at a time. If they stop running ads today, their business would shut down! The strategy we’re going to discuss now will allow any affiliate to build a long-term business. This strategy will allow you to upsell your visitors for expensive services. Even more importantly, by using this strategy you’ll soon become recognized as an expert in your field and making money will be all the easier!

So what is this strategy?

You guessed it, it’s building an opt-in list – a newsletter/Ezine.

By having an opt-in list you’re building a customer base instead of just small sales! You can sell the same customer over and over without having any more advertising costs. You build a trust with your readers that allows them to be loyal in doing business through you affiliate link!

So, as an affiliate, how do you build an opt-in list?

How to Build the List

The simplest way I have found is to start deferring all of my traffic that I pay for to an opt-in page. After the person opts-in, have them land on a thank you page where you pre-sell them for the affiliate product.

So, you’re probably already building traffic to your site – now, instead of sending that traffic directly to your affiliate link, send it to a page that has an opt-in.

How Should My Opt-In Page Look?

The next most popular question is how to make the opt-in page look. Believe it or not, there actually IS a strategy behind this. Your page MUST be small, short and to the point. This means that you should NOT have a long sales letter type page to get them to opt-in.

Your entire opt-in page should fit in one screen with NO scroll down bar. Have a strong headline, 5-6 bulleted benefits and then a nice big opt-in. You’ll be amazed at how high the results can be…

Quick Ways To Generate Traffic

The point of this article is not to teach you how to drive traffic to your website, but here are 5 really quick techniques to use so you can test what you just learned.

1. Article Submissions – Submit articles around the web regarding your niche and have your biography link go to a opt-in page. You’ll be amazed at how well this technique works in building a list.

2. Pay Per Click – The easiest way to immediately begin getting traffic. Send all of your paid traffic directly to the opt-in page, then have the person land on a page that pre-sells the product they were looking for. Make sure to test this, sometimes your conversions on the front-end can fall, but they increase over the long-run.

3. Ezine Ads – I have found Ezine ads a great way to quickly and cost effectively boost my list. Write an ad promising a “free membership or information” and send the traffic to an opt-in page.

4. Viral Marketing – This form of marketing takes some time to kick in but can be extremely effective! Other people will spread your message and your message will have links to your opt-in page.

5. Linking strategy – This option is a bit more work, so only use it once you have tested and know that you have a winner. Start trading links with related websites and you will see a great boost in traffic.


Understand this one thing: You should be building a long-term affiliate business and not just something that makes you a few dollars on one sale. If you ever stop advertising, you want to be in position to still have a powerful business. Building a large opt-in list will also position you as the expert in your niche.

Finally, remember to make sure that your opt-in page fits on one computer screen and is small. Always test the page by quickly driving some traffic.

About the Author:
This article is written by Anik Singal, founder of Anik Singal has developed his own affiliate system that helped him earn well over $10,466 in just 60 days. Now, he's looking for a few students to train one step at a time.
Click the link below to get your FREE course:


Tips and Ideas to Build your Opt-in list and More -
Click here

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This Free Advertising Rocks!

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May 11, 2005

A very reliable and trustworthy, knowledgable marketer told me about this brand-new advertising system - Happy Marketer

There's a new classified site where you can place your ads with pictures in your local area. You can virtually sell without your own website.

The site is simple and doesn't cost you a penny to use it. Just after only 1 month online, the site already receives thousands of visitors.

The owner of the site is a successful entrepreneur who has created several other businesses which you might be familiar with. One of his projects is called "Adlandpro Free Classifieds".

The site owner, Bogdan Fiedur, has served over 27,000 paying customers through this site and issued close to $1 million ($1,000,000!) in affiliate commission checks.

The new site (called Pressmania) is local - down to the point of city divisions - and is language specific.

Currently five countries are open -

United States
New Zealand

The site also offers great affiliate earning potential for anyone.

If you want to take advantage of this great opportunity you must act now.

Access this link to place your free ad:

Check your email and confirm your ad by clicking the verification link in the message, otherwise the ad won't be accepted.

Once this is completed, create your affiliate account by accessing this link.

As an affiliate, you will be eligible for to up to 70% commission from prime advertising spots which will be sold through auctions.

Send any leads now to use Pressmainia free ads system and later your leads will be invited to participate in auctions and offered other paid services.

The effort you put now into bringing new customers for the free classifieds, will pay off even more later in residual commissions from auctioned spots.

Act now. Be part of the most exciting advertising company today!

Happy Marketer

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Better Writing: What Works and What Doesn't

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by Susan Dunn, MA, Marketing Consultant Coach, certified EQ Coach

There’s no better way to promote your business for free than to write articles on the Internet. It is particularly good for promoting services, where advertising doesn’t work as well, even if you can afford it.

All business is about relationship. You can’t meet face-to-face with each person, or even reach them on the telephone every time. Often your contact will have to be in writing. How good is your writing?


Writing is right up there with public speaking for many of us. It’s so public, and, in the case of writing, so permanent.

My mother used to say, “Never put anything in black and white you wouldn’t want the whole wide world to see.” It’s a wonder I could write at all! Scary thought, isn’t it. Since I coach Emotional Intelligence (EQ), let’s turn that around and say, “Put things in black and white you want the whole world to see.” That’s the power of the pen, mightier, after all, than the sword.

I went on to major in English and then to earn my living writing. However, you don’t have to be a professional writer to write something someone else can enjoy or benefit from, or to write for your own enjoyment or wellness


The first point you should know is that writing for the Internet should be at the 6th to 9th grade level.

Not everyone on the Internet has a college education, or even a high school education. We are all in hurry, and we want out information fast. Short, uncomplicated sentences work well. So do lists. No need for big words. Just clarity.


Here is a scenario that happened to me repeatedly when I was in public relations. The boss would call me in and say, “I don’t know how to say this.” I’d say, “What is it you want to say?” and I would have my pad and pencil handy. He or she would start talking, and I would start writing And what I wrote down was exactly what the person was saying!

I would then go back to my office, dot a few Is and cross a few Ts, return the article to them, and they would say, “How marvelous. How do you do it?”

Yes, of course I cleaned up the grammar and added or subtracted some adjectives or adverbs, and maybe changed the order, but the point I want to make is that if the person had just written down what he or she was thinking, he or she wouldn’t have been far from having a good enough article or letter. Yes, I polished it, but the diamond in the rough was still there to be polished!

It happened just the other day, which is what prompted me to write this article. Someone had written me an email with something profound in it, and I asked if I could quote her in an article. When I finished the article, I sent it back to her, with her rather lengthy quote, and here is her reply: “GAD! Seeing my words in print, I am surprised at my own clarity. Goes to show that spontaneous reactions are often the truest.”

Then yesterday, I asked someone else if I could quote them, and she wrote back: “Reading that you want to quote me I am awash with emotions – pride, astonishment, surprise, delight, a little scared, somewhat uncomfortable.”


Do you see the emotion in what they’ve written back? We know from Emotional Intelligence how emotions can fog the brain; the analytical part of the brain.

How so? Many emotions go through your brain if you aren’t used to writing a lot because of the thoughts you’re thinking, because of your self-talk. Here are some:

·I don’t know how to write.
·I’ll say something stupid.
·My 6th grade teacher said I was a terrible writer.
·Someone will misunderstand what I write and I’ll get cards and letters.
·I can’t do this.
·I hate to write.
·I flunked writing sophomore year in high school.
·My last English course was freshman year in college.
·I never finished high school.


There are two major ways to learn how to write: Read and Write.

The best writers are those who have read the most. Why? Because your brain is a marvelous thing, and picks up what you’re reading, and you don’t have to learn any rules. Just as a child learns how to speak. We all learn how to speak around the house. Later on in school we learn grammar rules, but we’ve been speaking for years.

You have to read the GOOD writers, of course. Read the hard stuff. Dostoevsky, Faulkner, Shakespeare, Dante. This sort of reading will benefit you in many ways.

Then write. A writer writes! Like any other skill, you have to do it to learn it. You can read about it, and memorize rules, and attend seminars, and go to workshops (and by all means read Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style”
( )
a classic that’s now in its fourth edition) but you must not stop there. You must start writing.

One of the best ways to direct the actual writing process is to work with a writing coach. You won’t be able to judge your own writing appropriately at first.


What will NOT work is learning some skills you are not able to use because your emotions are interfering, or you don’t use because you never sit down and apply them.

You must actually start writing. Like learning a language, it’s practicing it that makes you fluent.


A meta way to improve your writing is to develop your Emotional Intelligence. It teaches you how to manage the emotions which are throwing obstacles in your path to learning writing. It has the added value of helping you to learn in general, not just writing.

It’s about getting the emotions out of the way that are hampering you from learning. We all suffer from this to one degree or another. We all had a teacher at some point who was harsh or punitive, or a circumstance where we weren’t able to learn it fast enough. Maybe we were rushed, and fell flat on our face in public, or were embarrassed. Maybe we had a parent who said, “Marsha will never be an artist,” or “Freddie can’t do this or that.” Getting rid of the memory of these experiences is managing your emotions, and part of Emotional Intelligence as well.


One of the wonderful things to me about the Internet is the opportunity it gives all of us to “tell our story.”

Get in there and write, whether you do it for publication, for money, for fun, or to promote your products and services. You have things to say that others need to hear!

Writing things out also brings clarity to your thinking process. Studies show that writing things down improves your efficiency, and even is good for your mental health.

Write on!

About the Author
©Susan Dunn, marketing coach, . Ebook writing and launch, web strategies, marketing and promotion, press releases, web design, article-writing and submission. Full-service, consultation and implementation, advice and resources. Mail to: for free ezine, put “checklist” for subject line.
Emotional Intelligence coaching, .

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The Real Gold Is In the List

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Savvy marketers know that properly developed, well-targeted lists are gold mines of profit generating opportunity.

Copyright Marty Foley,

Are you a one shot, hit-and-run marketer, or do you appreciate that the real gold in business is in the list?

Rather than focus on one-shot deals, savvy marketers realize the value of a good list, and seek ways to expand and derive more value from theirs.

What kind of lists am I talking about? On the Internet, a list of customers, or others who've agreed to receive regular communications from you. Or it may be an offline list of postal mailing addresses, telephone, or fax numbers.

The best list is a targeted one, comprised of those who are at least familiar with you; with whom you've already developed a relationship of trust.

Ideally, it's made up of those who've already done business with you, or have at least expressed a sincere interest in similar types of goods you offer in the past. It's NOT a list of randomly gathered (untargeted) contact information, whether email addresses to which unsolicited spam email is sent, or otherwise.

Once you've developed a good, targeted list, you have a valuable asset. For example:

* Valuable time, effort and expense are invested in gaining
customers. Customer acquisition is one of the largest marketing expenses. Many marketers toss this investment out the window by selling one thing to a customer, one time, and forgetting about them forever. A good list, on the other hand, lets you market your goods and services much less expensively.

* Additional sales to previous customers are often easier to make and more profitable than the initial sale. A relationship of trust has been built, provided that your customer is satisfied with his/her purchase and the service received.

* You gain leverage. When you approach others to arrange joint ventures, for instance, ownership of a sizeable, properly targeted list is a powerful bargaining asset.

* You can sell advertising to others who want to market to your list.

* Repeat business is crucial to the success of virtually all businesses. With a good list you stand a much better chance of turning buyers into life-long customers.

* You have a built-in audience to which you can quickly roll out new offers.

If your home or office caught on fire, and you were only allowed to save one business asset, what would it be? For many savvy marketers it would be their list. It would be the one thing that would best help them start over from scratch.

After reading this, perhaps you're now thinking "But Marty, I don't have a list." Well, now you know how valuable a properly developed and targeted list can be. And if you already have one, you've just been reminded of its value.

Grow it, groom it well, and profit from it accordingly.

More Helpful Resources...

Marty Foley's "Convert More Traffic" private members site helps web sites generate more traffic and turn more of it into buyers, leads, and higher profit:

Check out Marty's free e-courses for boosting online profits:

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