Friday, July 15, 2005

Scare Yourself and Your Friends

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We all like to give ourselves a scare now and again, and then laugh about it - well, at least I do.

A friend of mine recently sent this to me, and, well...
Well, you just have to see it for yourself.

If you remotely like "spooky" or "unexplainable" stuff, you have to check this out. (It's not exactly the time of year you might expect this, but that's what makes things great - the unexpected!)

Make sure your sound is turned up a bit... it's kinda hard to hear – listen closely.

It falls in the "Strange but Interesting" category. This is a car advertisement from Great Britain. When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist.

They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon.

Watch the front end of the car (closely) as it clears the trees in the middle of the screen, and you'll see what I saw.


Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide. If you listen to the ad, you might be able to the commentator talk about it near the end of the commercial.

A little creepy but pretty cool!

Even though it takes a few moments to load and run, it's worth it.

- Still gives me the creeps every time I watch it -
(S-h-i-v-e-r-i-n-g chill up my spine)

If you have a heart condition, watcher beware -

"Spooky Car Ad"

Take care -

P.S. After you watch this, a page comes up (not to sell you something!) with spaces to send this same video to your friends, and scare the beejeezers outa' them too! As the old knight in "The Last Crusade" said, "Choose wisely".

"Spooky Car Ad"

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10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer

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by Eugenijus

The more time people spend at your web site, the more time you'll have to persuade them to buy your
product or service. Below are ten powerful ways to keep visitors at your web site longer.

1. Provide your web site visitors with content they can't read anywhere else. People will stay longer at your web site to read the original content.

2. Remind your web site visitors they can print out your content. They may browse around your online store while it's printing.

3. Offer your web site visitors a freebie if they take the time to fill out your online survey. They'll be at the site longer and might buy something afterwards.

4. Offer your visitors free software that they can download right from your web site; while they are waiting they might read your ad.

5. Provide a huge online directory of information that your visitors could search. The directory must contain information your visitors would want.

6. Make sure all your web pages load fast or your visitors will leave fast. Time is precious; they won't waste it waiting for your site to load.

7. Tell your visitors what's offered at your web site at the very beginning. If people are confused about what's being offered they may leave too early.

8. Publish your web site professionally. People will get turned off and leave if they see a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.

9. Make your site text easy to read. Most people won't strain their eyes trying to read text that is too small, light or bright.

10. Use headlines and sub headlines all over your web site that will grab visitors’ attention. It will attract them to explore your web site longer.

Quote of the Day:

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding."
-- Proverbs 4:7

About the Author:
Eugenijus Sakalauskas is an established ezine publisher and direct marketer who specializes in developing new
ideas and methods on Website Marketing & Home Business Secrets
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

16 Golden Rules Of Master Copywriting

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by Christos Varsamis

You could spend thousands of dollars on advertisement and have extremely low or no results in sales because of your poor-planned copy. You shouldn’t be amazed by the fact that huge corporations all over the world do that mistake and waste millions of dollars on false advertisement campaigns.

However, how can you write a good sales copy and killer ads that get the attention of people? There are no magic recipes for that, but you can follow some fundamental rules, which can lead to you to success if you adopt them properly.

1) Have a good product. Be honest and mean what you say or what you offer. Avoid the exaggerations and hyped claims. You stake your reputation and your business offline or online it doesn’t make any difference.

2) Have a plan on your trial and error period. Don’t expect to write your first copy and be a golden one. You will alter it many times, test it, retest it, try a new one and so on. Set a schedule for that. Do not fool around.

3) AIDA. It’s the proven and the bedrock of the copy process. Always follow it. AIDA
A= Attention. You must grab it instantly or you don’t have a chance.
I = Interest. You grab and keep their interest. If they get bored, they will leave.
D= Desire. Interest must be transformed into desire for what you offer.
A= Action. You must convince them to act now. Not tomorrow, next week e.t.c. They will forget it a few hours later.

4) Always work on your prospect's emotion. Most people buy something emotionally and then justify it rationally.

5) Headline is the Key. If it doesn’t grab their attention then they‘ve gone away. Your headline must be a killer one.

6) Promote your best and strong benefit at first, not last. That’s how you are going to create interest and then desire.

7) Tell stories. That’s an excellent way to rekindle their emotion or even their passion. Stories always inspire.

8) Answer all the objections and questions you think your prospects would have. In that way, you will gain their trust.

9) Use bullet points for each of your benefits and bold, italics fonts for your text. Use the underline feature but not so often.

10) Give a time limit. This is an excellent tool for calling your prospects to act now!

11) Offer testimonials. It is the mother of gaining-trust tools. Especially, if it is from someone important in your field.

12) Make it easy to buy. Don’t let visitors get lost in your web site. Make it as easy as possible.

13) Avoid graphics. They won’t help you. People are looking for information not images.

14) Give guarantees. Research has proved that when you have a long guarantee, your client will feel safer and that leads to fewer refunds too!

15) Never assume that your prospects know what you want to say. Always be specific and clear about your product or service.

16) Have your copy or ad checked by your friends, colleagues e.t.c. It’s better to have other views, after all, it’s a part of the testing process.

Here are some great headlines and emotional triggers.

- A Little Mistake That Cost...$3,477 A Year
- Do You Make These Mistakes In...?
- Why Some People Almost Always Make Money In The ... .
- How I Improved My....In One Evening.
- How I Made a Fortune with a .... Idea.
- 161 New Ways To...
- How To Plan...
- The Truth about Getting Rich.
- Dare To Be Rich.
- The Secret To Being Healthy.
- How To Write A....

Attract The Opposite Sex
Be Independent
Be Successful
Avoid Embarrassment
Be Strong
Be Healthy
Satisfy Curiosity
Make Money
Gain Knowledge
Save Time
Avoid Effort
Get A Better Job
Be Your Own Boss
Add Fun To Life
Work Less

About the Author:
Christos Varsamis is an internet marketing consultant and the creator and publisher of



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