Friday, December 03, 2004

1st Post!

Hi -

I'm JD Tutterow -

Welcome to my blog!

Actually, it's not my blog - well, it kinda is -
What I mean is, you are welcome and encouraged to post replies.

I intend to search out ideas and techniques that internet marketers have/are using that are successful. They may be my links to sources, or they may be your links to sources.

We can act as a T.E.A.M.
- Together Everyone Accomplishes More -

That is one of the keys to success -

I think another one is, and I read this idea from a forum earlier today,
"Be Yourself"

It's hard to keep up an act or a false identity for any length of time. Then, when folks find out who you REALLY are, it may be a complete turn-off, and you are the big loser, along with your associates.

Another "secret" that successful marketers know -
The successful ones actually DO SOMETHING.
Daily postings, daily emails, daily-weekly-monthly this or that, some kind of positive activity to accomplish their goals.

Speaking of goals, we should all set some. Some should be fairly easy to obtain, others should be more difficult, some should stretch us to our limits.

2004 is quickly coming to a close - did you accomplish what you set out to do this year? If not, ask yourself, "Why not?" Use this month of December to determine where you are vs. where you think you want to be.

Maybe that's all for now - it's near the end of my public work day.
Time to start my private work day ;o)

Good evening,


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