How To Write Sales Letters That Deliver
by Lisa Packer
Tired of sending out sales letters that generate anemic response? You could blame your list, or decide you just didn’t send out a high enough volume to get the replies you were looking for. Or, you could face the truth: Your sales letter just didn’t have what it takes.
Here’s how to make the next one better:
1. Ditch the “professional” tone. Too many businesses think they need to sound professional and businesslike in their sales letters. They come across as reserved and dignified. And they get no response.
People buy on emotion, and if you want them to buy your product or service (or even become a lead you can follow up on) you must tap into their feelings. And no, “boredom” doesn’t count.
2. Paint a vivid picture. Let your prospect see herself enjoying the benefits of your product or service. Show her how her life will be transformed. Don’t just tell her your widget saves her time. Help her see herself spending that time doing something she enjoys.
3. Remember its not about you. It’s about your prospect, and what’s in it for her/him. Don’t tell her about your mission statement. Don’t tell him about your company history. Tell her what’s in it for her if she takes you up on your offer.
4. Ask for response. People won’t call if you don’t ask them to. Tell your prospect what it is you want him to do -
"Call for a free quote"
"Visit our web site"
"Come in today and stock up"
"Send in this coupon"
You get the point.
Following these steps will turn an anemic response into a robust, healthy one. And that will make your whole business feel better.
About the Author:
Lisa Packer, author of "How To Dramatically Increase Your Business... Without A Blockbuster Budget" and "7 Ways To Get A Pay Raise From Your Web Site" is an independant Copywriter and Marketing Consultant. Find out how to get these two reports, plus more helpful articles like the one you just read at:
Dramatic Copy - The Right Words Make A Dramatic Difference.
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