Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Your Perception is Reality -

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Dear Reader,

If "Average People" could become wealthy...your buddy who runs the copy machine at Kinkos would've quit by now.

AVERAGE people know they can't get rich---that's why they play the state lottery!

AVERAGE people will never rise above a mediocre income.

Average people who posess the x-factor...now that's ALL together different!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X-FACTOR:

Individuals who are blessed with the "x-factor" posess the following...

* Patience

* Discipline

* Unlimited sense of possiblity

* Open mindedness

* An extraordinary level of ambition and desire to get ahead in life

* Definiteness of purpose

* They despise mediocrity

Here's the behavior of someone without the x-factor...

- Very impatient. They have to get rich in 30 days or they quit!

- They have zero control of their time and therefore cannot manage their affairs.

- They think everything outside of a J-O-B, an IRA, a 401K, Cd or Mutual Fund is a scam.

- They're know-it-alls. Always talking instead of listening.

- NO "real" desire---NO passion---NO fire.
Ever seen a deadman walking?

- They never have a plan. They drift from day-to-day and happily take whatever life gives out.

- They stick to tradition and cling closely to their box. They move with the herd---Moooo.

You wanna move from average to fortune?

Change your routine.


> Wake up (2) hours earlier and go to bed an hour later. Work longer and harder. Kids sleep eight hours a day.

> Read five to ten pages everyday on something that can elevate you as a person.

> Take on 2-3 more tasks that you think you simply "can't do"--THEN DO THEM!!

> Most wannabees follow wannabees. Like attracts like. Raise your self image.

> Find a successful mentor and follow them. All great people were once followers.

> Have an immaculate home, office, car etc.---99% of wealthy people do. Your living quarters is a reflection of your mind!

> Start a diary. If you take yourself seriously---others will too.

> Listen to personal development tapes whenever you're driving. Use your time more wisely.

Your Perception is Reality!

The only limits you have, are the ones you have placed on yourself through your negative thinking.

Start erasing your self appointed boundaries with your "I Can" options.

See it first---believe it---then make it happen!


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